Essay university
Ethical Essay Topics
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Cell Phones While Driving Essay
Are PDAs perilous while driving? Do you know hoy numerous passings happen every year on account of the phones? Ordinary individuals pass on in fender benders for utilizing mobile phones while driving. As indicated by NSC. Organization â€Å"Drivers that utilization cell phones are multiple times bound to be associated with an accident†. Despite the fact that a few people feel that sans hand set is sheltered however it still perilous. Individuals ought to abstain from talking while at the same time driving; the individuals who shield the telephone use regularly state that it has no effect whether somebody is chatting on a telephone or not. A few people who work rely upon a mobile phone like legal advisors or representatives. They generally must be accessible to pick up the telephone so as to keep their business running. Be that as it may, their propensities can make hazardous circumstances like an impact or a mishap. Business issues can be distressing and perilous while driving since it can cause passionate responses that can prompt disasters. Do to the way that while they talk with somebody of their collaborators they may get irritated and this can bring down their driving capacity that can boss to lose authority over the vehicle. On the off chance that individuals don't settle on the choice to leave aside their mobile phones their routine can hurt blameless individuals. Like referenced previously, others state that without hands set is wellbeing. In any case, without hands gadgets don't wipe out the danger of causing a mishap and even intensify it by proposing that the reality of utilizing it is sheltered. Inquires about from the state Department of Transportation, show records that utilizing headset can be as hazardous as holding a telephone in light of the fact that the discussions occupies drivers from concentrating out and about. Researchers had demonstrated that individuals talking via telephone picture individual who they conversing with and that doesn't meddle with driving. The issue is the point at which a vehicle turns out of the blue or walker step into traffic, and the psyche does not have the preparing capacity to respond in time. So the issue isn't in holding the haggle telephone simultaneously the reason is the absence of response at the especially time People for the utilization phones, state that it is a decent alternative to do it if there should arise an occurrence of a crisis. Be that as it may, I accept that it is an off-base idea. It is a dream of wellbeing since when individuals need them, the most their mobile phones r they can not either contact them or discover them since they could be stuck or covered up in some piece of the vehicle. Individuals shouldn’t completely rely upon phones attributable to that reality that they are not dependable; the trusty answer for the troublesome circumstance it could be OnStar. Which is a help that in the event of a mishap or a crisis will reach you. In the event that you can't reply, they will contact the police division, the medical clinic or the fire administration. In this manner, these days phones are pointless gadgets since they are inconsistent in crisis circumstances while you are in a fender bender. All in all, I figure drivers ought to be progressively cognizant about utilizing the mobile phone while driving. As I said it before without hand gadget isn't security in any way, on the grounds that requires the mind to be perform various tasks. In the event that drivers don't surrender PDAs the quantity of mortalities on the streets will keep on expanding.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Womens Role In The Economy Essay example -- essays papers
Womens Role In The Economy â€Å"The Transfer of Women’s Work from the Home to the Market†â€Å"The move of women’s work from the family to business work is one of the most striking highlights of monetary development†(Lewis, Historical Perspectives on the American Economy P. 550). In frontier America there was an unmistakable sexual division of work. Men were land owners and heads of families. A man’s duties included staple yield cultivating, chasing, and gifted craftsmanship so as to deliver items for showcase (An Economic History of Women in America Pp. 30-33). Ladies were liable for a wide range of employments. In the home and the fields ladies guaranteed the endurance of the family. They were answerable for youngster raising, housework, food preparing, fabric and apparel assembling, light and cleanser making, family unit goods, and ranch tasks (EHWA P. 31). A couple of unmarried ladies would work outside the home as domestics or homestead hirelings. Ladies would likewise deal with the offer of crafted works and family unit make. In the mid nineteenth century just a little portion of ladies in the United States worked in the horticultural, modern, and administration zones of the market part. Wages of ladies comparative with those of men were particularly low inside the zone of farming. With the spread of industry, relative wages for ladies expanded, and their business had all the earmarks of being connected to the innovative advances of the production line framework. As the nation turned out to be increasingly industrialized, more ladies started to work outside the home, in manufacturing plants and in the administrative part, and their wages started to expand comparative with the wages of men. Late in the nineteenth century there was a rising interest for administrative laborers. By 1890, just 18.2% of grown-up ladies took part in the work advertise. Of that 19%, 40.5% were single ladies (matured somewhere in the range of fifteen and twenty-four). Just 4.6% were hitched ladies. (HPAE P. 560) It was not until the twentieth century that wedded ladies entered the work power in any significant manner. They initially entered the work power in the 1920’s when they were youthful, and later in the 1940’s and 1950’s, in their post-youngster raising years. There have been significant gains in the investment of wedded ladies in the work power, with specific age gatherings, or companions, influenced during specific decades. I... ...ed ladies in America’s past regularly originated from a financial need, however it has likewise inferred monetary self-governance. The ascent of financial freedom for ladies has brought about numerous social and cultural changes, for example, the arrangement of more extensive and less family-dependant interpersonal organizations, a more noteworthy possibility for conjugal disintegration, and the chance of less compelled and organized sex jobs (HPAE P. 571). Today, there are nearly the same number of ladies in the work power as there are men. It is presently an irregularity for a lady to work only inside the home. In our present economy it is very nearly a need for both the man and lady to work outside the home all together for the family unit to endure. It was intriguing to find out about the monetary components influenced women’s cooperation in the work power previously and relate that to women’s job in the work power today. List of sources: Matthaei, Julie A. An Economic History of Women in America: Women’s Work, the Sexual Division of Labor, and Development of Capitalism. New York: Schocken Books, 1982. Whaples, Robert and Betts, Dianne C. Verifiable Perspectives on the American Economy. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
SIPA offers new coding class to help students augment policy analysis COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
SIPA offers new coding class to help students augment policy analysis COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Computing in Context, a course in Columbia University’s Computer Science department, has added a new track designed for SIPA students that will teach computational concepts and coding in the context of solving policy problems. Enrolled students will be taught by both a computer-science professor, who lectures on basic computer and programming skills while teaching students to think like computer scientists, and by a SIPA professor who shows how those skills can augment traditional policy analysis. Projects and assignments will be geared for the policy arena to give students a command of technical solutions for problems they are likely to encounter in their classes and future work. SIPA’s is the first new track to be added since Computing in Context debuted in spring 2015 with tracks in digital humanities, social science, and economics and finance. Aimed at liberal-arts majors who might not otherwise take computer science, Computing in Context is the first of its kind to provide a contextualized introduction that combines algorithmic thinking and programming with projects and assignments from different liberal-arts disciplines. How much should students in the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) know about computer science? In a digital world when information is being collected at unprecedented rates and as government decision-making becomes more data driven, computer science is fast becoming fundamental to policy analysis. Computational methods offer an efficient way to navigate and assess a variety of systems and their data, and make it possible to comb even massive data sets for subtle patterns that might otherwise go undiscovered. A relatively small amount of code can replace tedious, time-consuming manual efforts to gather data and refine it for analysis. As machine learning and text mining turn texts into data analyzable by a computer, computational methods once reserved for quantitative data can now be applied to almost any type of documentâ€"emails, tweets, public records, transcripts of hearingsâ€"or to a corpus of tens or hundreds of thousands of documents. These new methods for computationally analyzing texts and documents make computer science relevant to humanities and social science disciplines that traditionally have not been studied computationally. Social science majors may analyze vast numbers of social media posts, English majors may automate stylistic analyses of literary works, finance students may mine data for new economic trends. Liberal-arts students have been increasingly skipping the cursory computer-science class intended for non-majors (1001) and enrolling in computer-science classes alongside computer-science majors. Adam Cannon, who has been teaching introductory computer science for 15 years has watched the number of liberal-arts students in his classes climb to the point where they have surpassed the number of computer-science majors. “These students want more than an appreciation of computer science,†he said. “They want to apply computer-science techniques in their own fields.†Computer science within a context Algorithmic thinking is critical for designing solutions to new problems and analyzing new data sets, but the nature of the problems and the data sets depends on the particular field of study. Different liberal-arts disciplines require different kinds of computational proficiency; for this reason, Computing in Context maintains separate tracks for each discipline, with each track taught by a different professor. The class debuted with three tracks: social science, digital humanities, and economics and financing. All students take the computer-science component and learn the same basic concepts, but then divide into separate tracks to learn how those concepts apply to their particular discipline. It’s a modular design that makes it easy to insert additional tracks as more departments and professional schools act to make computer-science part of their students’ curriculum. The first time a new track is offered, a professor from that department lectures live, and then records those lectures for future semesters. This flipped classroom approachâ€"where students view videos of lectures outside class and use classroom time to discuss the content of those videosâ€"helps make the class financially sustainable since each new track represents a one-time expense. SIPA’s is the first track to be added since Computing in Context was introduced and is being taught by Gregory Falco, a Columbia adjunct faculty member who is also an executive at Accenture and is currently pursuing his PhD in Cybersecurity of Critical Urban Infrastructure at MIT. With an MS in Sustainability Management from Columbia University, Falco specializes in applying data, analytics, and sensors to solve complex sustainability and security policy problems. Having Falco teach a track within Computing in Context is part of SIPA’s commitment to deeply integrating technology courses into its curriculum and equipping students with a robust tech and computer-science skill set. It is one way Deans Merit Janow and Dan McIntyre are helping Falco pioneer the next generation of policy education. What SIPA students can expect For the first six weeks of the course, SIPA students will attend the twice-weekly lectures on computer science along with all other students. At the halfway point, the track lectures kick in, and SIPA students go to lectures given by Falco, who will also assign homework and projects geared specifically to public policy. While economics and financing students price options and digital humanities students run sentiment analysis on tweets, SIPA students might be troubleshooting sources of environmental pollution, evaluating the effectiveness of public housing policy, or determining the impact of local financial markets on international healthcare or education. Considering SIPA is a professional school, Falco’s lectures and assignments are aimed at helping students integrate and transition what they learn in the classroom to the professional setting and job market. Unlike other tracks, the SIPA track will always have live lectures each time it is given. The changing relevance of policy problems requires a class constantly evolving for current events. Also, the skills SIPA students learn in Computing in Context will be integrated into their capstone research projects that serve as graduate theses; since Falco teaches both Computing in Context and will advise research projects, his constant, in-class presence will provide a more continuous resource of expertise on data and computing for SIPA students. “This is a one-of-a-kind, very cool policy class because it enables SIPA students to think like computer scientists and see the art of the possible in relation to how technology, data analytics, and artificial intelligence can be used to address policy problems,†says Falco. “Beyond coding, the class helps foster the language of digital literacy which is invaluable in the professional world for policy practitioners.†The SIPA track will be the first test of how well Computing in Context can scale to meet demand, which is only expected to grow as more departments and schools like SIPA integrate computer science into their curricula. â€" Linda Crane Thanks to the Department of Computer Science. This article has been adapted from the longer original version.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Military Bearing Essay example - 851 Words
Military bearing is ones outward appearance. The sharp uniform, perfect haircut, and their motivation and pride in their appearance. Military bearing is the way you take pride in your accomplishments and the majority of your experiences. It is also the way you maintain your composure and contain your emotions at all times. even when some might think it is neccessary to speak ones thoughts, that is where military bearing comes into play and maintains the composure of the soldier himself. Military bearing can also be described as doing the morally right thing wether somebody is watching you or not. Therefore leading into integrity which one takes upon himself to maintain the bearing at all times, and follow the orders of his†¦show more content†¦dependability is a major aspect of military bearing. without dependability, one can neither performproperly in a workspace, and also can not be depended on by there equals, and chain of command to carry out their military duties adequa tely. a military member is required to be punctual and reliable. lack of this in a soldier hinders the duty of the command, and can also be negative toward the entire Army. military bearing is a vast assortment of rules and ethics that govern our every day life. all military soldiers have an obligation to conduct themselves with dignity in such a manner to reflect credit on the military branch they are in. dignity exists only when one has the proper sense of there individual worth and of the worthiness of their cause. the person who posesses true dignity will also respect the dignity of others. when one respects his seniors and is guided by the example given to himself, it shows a true sign of propper adequate toward military bearing. he also respects his junior enlisted and provides an examle that they will be proud to follow.The United States Army is structured on several values and principles that it upholds, among these are military bearing, discipline and respect. These princ iples represents what the organization strongly believes in and governs the most basic customs and courtesies that all its members should abide by, otherwise legalShow MoreRelatedMilitary Bearing1023 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"Military Bearing†and how it affects the Army as a whole Bearing, put simply, is the appearance and demeanor of a person throughout the activities and circumstances that an individual is seen or observed. An individual is largely judged by others through the bearing that the individual exudes as he goes about his daily affairs, and thus it is very important that the person shows a bearing of competence and professionalism at all times. Militaries since the beginning of recorded history have setRead MoreEssay on Military Bearing2093 Words  | 9 PagesImportance of Military Bearing Military bearing is the root in which every soldier practices in order to carry out good discipline and ethics throughout ones military career. Army regulations and soldiers on our own creed illustrate how a military service member should conduct themselves on a daily basis, on and off duty. Loyalty, duty, respect, commitment, honor, punctuality, reliable, integrity, and personal courage are Army core values. Courage is the ability to stand up for ones beliefs andRead MoreMilitary Bearing Essay1046 Words  | 5 PagesIn the United States Army, military bearing is the root in which every service member practices in order to carry out good discipline and ethics throughout ones military careers. The Three General Orders of a Soldier, The articles of UCMJ, as well as our own Sailors Creed illustrates how a military service member should conduct himself or herself on a daily basis, on and off duty. Dependability is a major aspect of military bearing. Without dependability, one can neither perform properly in theRead MoreMilitary Bearing Essay618 Words  | 3 PagesIn the United States Army, military bearing is the root in which every service member practices in order to carry out good discipline and ethics throughout their military careers. Army regulations and The Articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice show us how a military service member should conduct themselves on a daily basis. All military soldiers have an obligation to conduct themselves like they are adults and to show respect to the ranks above them. If a Soldier fails toRead MoreEssay Military Bearing1013 Words  | 5 PagesIn the United States NAVY, military bearing is the root in which every service member practices in order to carry out good discipline and ethics throughout ones military careers. The Eleven General Orders of a Sentry, The Articles of the UCMJ, as well as our own Sailors Creed illustrates how a military service member should conduct himself or herself on a daily basis, on and off duty. Dependability is a major aspect of military bearing. Without dependability, one can neither perform properlyRead MoreCorrective Essay: Military Bearing and Respect857 Words  | 4 PagesAccording to Field Manual 6-22, â€Å"Military Bearing is defined as having or projecting a commanding presence and a professional image of authority†. The United States Army is structured on several values and principles that it upholds, among these are military bearing, discipline and respect. Leaders should be able to make these big decisions with all his confidence projecting out with his military bearing. A leader should look like a leader, disciplined, confident, and has the skills and abilitiesRead MoreMilitary Bearing, Respect and Discipline1989 Words  | 8 PagesMILITARY BEARING, DISCIPLINE AND RESPECT The United States Army is structured on several values and principles that it upholds, among these are military bearing, discipline and respect. These principles represents what the organization strongly believes in and governs the most basic customs and courtesies that all its members should abide by, otherwise legal repercussion and punishment is enforced that could ultimately result in separation from the organization. According to Field Manual 6-22Read MoreMilitary Bearing in Context of the US Navy663 Words  | 3 PagesNavy Military Bearing Military bearing is something that applies to all branches of the United States Navy but it manifests itself a little differently depending on the branch in question. This report will focus on the United States Navy and military bearing and the core competencies and codes that define said military bearing in a Navy context. A lot of what will be said below can be applied, in whole or in part, to other branches of the United States Armed Forces. Navy Military Bearing The OhioRead MoreProper Military and Professional Bearing Essay2425 Words  | 10 PagesProper Military and Professional Bearing, Order, Discipline, and Respect IAW AR 600-20 amp; FM 6-22 1. Military Discipline a. Military discipline is founded upon self-discipline, respect for properly constituted authority, and the embracing of the professional Army ethic with its supporting individual values. Military discipline will be developed by individual and group training to create a mental attitude resulting in proper conduct and prompt obedience to lawful military authority. 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Saturday, May 9, 2020
Discrimination Is A Dominant Theme Within The Film Of Kill...
Discrimination can be generalized as unequal treatment or consideration of an individual based on the category to which that person belongs to or certain characteristics; rather than basing on their individual merit or assessing their circumstances, stereotypical assumptions are made. Discrimination can occur to anyone, but is prevalent in groups such as race, social class, and gender; throughout American history, the discrimination of these groups was commonplace and a widely accepted behaviour. The reality of these are told through Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird which depicts the childhood of a girl in 1930’s America who experiences first hand discrimination and observes prejudice towards others in her community. Within the town,†¦show more content†¦Upon Scout’s dismay, Alexandra explains, â€Å"†¦heâ€â€isâ€â€trash, that’s why you can’t play with him†(Lee 301). The Finch’s are seen as a high-class family w ho consequently do not associate with those on the bottom of the social scale. Along with the poor lower-class families are the Ewells, but rather than farm they receive their income through relief checks and live in a rundown shack by the dump. The eldest child, Mayella, has no friends due to no one wanting to associate with her because she is ‘trashy’; as a result Mayella lives a miserable existence. Another local family, the Radley’s, had not been lower-class; however, the youngest Radley, Arthur, had a spat with the law as a youth, and his Baptist father hid him from the public for the next 15 years out of shame. The townsfolk assume that this abnormal behaviour suggests that Arthur is evil and cruel. Among the folklore and myths generated by the townsfolk include â€Å"†¦he went out at night†¦ and peeped in windows†¦ Any stealthy crimes committed in Maycomb were his work†(Lee 10). Clearly, social discrimination is shown through the att itude of the townsfolk of Maycomb towards those who are different; those who are poor and those who are unusual are discriminated by the middle class folk within the town who either disassociate themselves from them or create morbid gossip. ¬Ã‚ ¬ During the 1930’s woman had many roles and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Journey to Life Introduction Free Essays
My Autobiography â€Å"When my Parents First Met†Sometime in 1974 when Christmas is approaching, accordingly my parents told me that they happened to meet at a certain canteen in Green Hills San Juan, Rizal and came to know each other while they were still studying in College. Late after one year they came to be engaged with each other. Knowing more each family background, and accepted by both. We will write a custom essay sample on My Journey to Life Introduction or any similar topic only for you Order Now After my father had graduated his course in Manila, they decided with both parental onsent’s to get marry. They went home to Batanes to receive their matrimony of marriage at the Miraculous Medal of Virgin Mary at Itbud, Uyugan, Batanes. In their continuous companionship, in the hardship of living, they were blessed with three children, all girls. They were Cheryl, Richel, and Louelle. Even in their hardship of bringing up my sisters, still they never quit seeking better information which is getting into college. They survived with the effort. My father and mother both graduated the course of Bachelor of Science in Commerce major in Accounting at Saint Dominic College, Basco, Batanes, sometime in 1990. For better qualification, they were both employed on level 2 ranked and file positions. My mother is still employed to the now Provincial Agriculturists Office as HRMO-II; and my father has just retired from the DPWH Batanes, their employment helps so much as the source to carry on in racing their first 3 children until they were in college. 6 years later blessed with another baby girl whom my father named Dandy. Dandy means according to him a child who hold up and down sweetly. After weeks, they brought their child to receive her baptism at Saint Dominic Paris Chapel. The child received her baptismal feminine name Dandelle which I am carrying on. I wrote this when I was still in Third Year High School for an Auto biography project. I only included the introduction part of it for my Autobiography is long and I don’t w ant to tell much about me. How to cite My Journey to Life Introduction, Essay examples
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Marketing plan for Amazing Ideas
Executive summary Amazing Ideas is preparing to market its sport shoes product line, the Hi-Lo Runners, in a maturing Australian market. The market is very attractive due to the continued growth despite the increasing competition from foreign manufacturers and renowned brands such as Asics, Reebok, and Adidas. Although the Australian footwear industry is declining, the new shoe models are becoming popular especially in the younger population.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Marketing plan for Amazing Ideas specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The company can compete effectively because the Hi-Lo Runners it offers are well positioned with unique features and cheaper prices. The company has strengths and opportunities to exploit and avoid weakness that could disadvantage the strategy. The company will target specific market segments and exploit the opportunities arising from the high demand of Hi-Tops. The marketing o bjective or the plan is to attain a 10 percent of the market share in the coming year while the financial objective in the plan is to raise profitability by 20 percent through sales. This can be realized through a marketing strategy where opportunities are the key drivers and problem solving is part of it. The 4Ps marketing mix that is to be used should align with the recommendations drawn from the competitor and product reviews. This gives an insight on the most appropriate way to win the competitive advantage desired all along. Current marketing situation Amazing Ideas founded a few years ago is about to enter in the Australian shoes market; is about to enter the now-mature sport shoes market. Hi-Tops or shoes transformed with a rear above the regular ankle height are increasingly becoming popular; forecasts suggest that the annual sales of such shoes will grow at a more than 50 percent for the next two years. Therefore, competition is more intense even as Hi-Tops demand rolls out , industry consolidation, and pressures to lower prices squeeze profitability. Yet, the Australian shoes market remains substantial, with sales exceeding 2.85 million pairs of shoes annually (IBISWorld, 2011. p.1). To gain a market share in this changing environment, Amazing Ideas must carefully target specific market segments with features that carry benefits valued by each market segments. Industry overview The footwear industry in Australia is facing the direct consequences of globalizations and internationalization. Producers are going through a very tough operating environment. Among the many factors leading to such an environment are the dominance of low-cost foreign traders, import penetration, and tariff reductions. These have seen the structure of the industry change spectacularly in the recent past. This industry is also facing shortages of skilled labor, competitors outsourcing production abroad, and accelerated industry reform. It is in fact a difficult task to find a lo w-cost shoe manufacturer based in Australia.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There are some large footwear producers that manufacture industrial and safety boots, whilst sheepskin footwear has retained substantial output levels domestically (IBISWorld, 2011. p.1). The total production by the footwear industry is expected to fall as well as the revenue from these products. However, the emerging models will increase as a result of the changing consumer behaviors and the quality concern of the imported footwear. Therefore, the best strategy that a local producer should adopt in order to survive is that which responds to the market changes while still maintaining competitive prices on the products. Competitor overview Australia footwear industry comprise of more than a hundred manufacturers and suppliers of footwear and related products. These many companies have their major op erations conducted in Australia and New Zealand. Among the major competitors who deal in sports shoes include Blue Heeler Boots, J. Robins Sons Pty Ltd, Shoelastsandcomponents, Styleman, D B C Footwear manufacturers, Footwear Manufacturers Association Inc, and Global Footwear manufacturers. These competitors either specify on a single product line or differentiate their products according to a particular market segments. However, these competitors have maintained most of their original brands with very rare changes on the features of their renowned brands. However, the biggest threat is coming from foreign competitors especially from China, Korea, and Japan. Indeed, the Hi-Li Runners design originated from the foreign companies, though they have shown little emphasis on the design. The major focus on these competitors is low prices which is pushing the profitability of local manufacturers further down. The Australian stable economy and tariff reductions are attracting more and more traders into the footwear market. The foreign competitors have attracted low income earners especially from rural settings and have increased their market share significantly. However, the Australian economy provides a large potential market of consumers whose purchasing decisions are driven by quality, authenticity, and style the product is given. Consumer behavior The Australian footwear market consists of consumers who prefer to use shoes for different activities such as leisure walking, walking to work, sporting, among other activities. Initially, many purchases were made to meet an identified problem and consumers were interested in solutions rather than features.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Marketing plan for Amazing Ideas specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, the buying behavior of the Australian people is changing and they are seeking to live a healthy and luxurious life. While most of the prob lems are imagined, the people are becoming more interested in new and unique feature in the shoes marketed to them. On another dimension, Lantos (2010. p.36) maintains that consumer behavior can vary according to age demographics. In this context, young people in Australia are the most active in sports tending to be the most frequent purchasers of these products. These consumers are more sensitive to stylish models of shoes that bear unique and exotic styles or features almost resembling the pictorial models. Indeed, the footwear industry is highly promoted by young and middle-aged people. Statistical surveys indicate that for every new model of sports shoe, at least eight out of ten youths will buy the new make. Furthermore, these consumers are influenced easily by peers into purchasing the product. PEST analysis PEST analysis is an essential tool used to understand the external factors that can influence any marketing strategy (Fullen Podmoroff, 2006. p.77). Political factors aff ecting Amazing Ideas include government policies, tax policies, trade restrictions, tariff reductions and regulations. Australia has continued to engage actively in enacting laws that control internal and external trading such as Fair Trading Policy and Consumer Law. Economic factors include the changing trend of sporting as an economic activity, surging economic growth rate, interest rates, and inflation rates. Such factors influence the financial ability of the consumer as well as the manufacturing costs of the products. Social factors include increasing importance of recreational activities, population growth, age distribution, and buying behavior and patterns of the consumers. Technological factors include research and development activities, technology incentives, industrial automation, and the rate of technological change which influence the manufacturing capability. Porter’s five-force analysis Bangs (2002) takes Porter’s five-force analysis as an important para digm in determining the competitive position of a business (p.67). in many markets, the relatively small capital required to set up a manufacturing facility, is a big attraction for new entrants and is the major reason we have so many companies manufacturing footwear. However, the expertise and skills necessary are scarce and this waves off some of the entrants into the market.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Currently, the stability and perceived growth of the Australian economy, infrastructure development, and the increasing financial options to the people, point to the attractiveness of this market. Also the general growth of the Asian economy pulls many companies into Asia for business and investment opportunities. Therefore, the entry of new competitors is real and the threat is high. The bargaining power of the buyers affects the market and the higher it is the more they will influence market price reductions (Henry, 2008. p.81). Sport shoes buyers across the Australian market have a wide rage of choices indicated by the number of manufacturers and suppliers. More than a hundred manufacturers sell in the market including the famous Nike, Reebok, and Adidas brands. In addition, there are also a collection of cheap choices from the Chinese and Korean companies. Daft (2011) explains how the threat of substitutes determine the switching costs or how the consumer considers other alterna tives (p.215). Except for a small population of the Australian Aborigines, most of the people are styled. They will wear a specific kind of shoe for a specific purpose. There are no precise substitutes for sport shoes which can be a threat to footwear manufacturers. Suppliers with more power will influence more on the prices for law materials (Warner, 2010. p.61). The suppliers in Australia have considerable bargaining power as they are not fixed to a single manufacturer. With so many shoe producers in the country, suppliers have very many options to which they can market products. This gives them a lot of power to bargain and influence on the ability of the producer to capitalize on the market. The rivalry among the competitors is quite high due to the market dynamics experienced and the forecasted economic growth. The footwear industry is pushing towards maturity and many companies are struggling to overthrow the market leaders. Product review Amazing Ideas will be developing the foreseeable Hi-Tops shoe specifically tailored to the emerging need of the Australian market. The offering will entail all the famous features of a genuine Amazing Ideas product as well as the extended rear. Steinhardt (2010. p.235) suggest that product attributes determine the unique selling proposition (USP) of a business. Therefore, it will be important to ensure the design developed in Australia is a unique selling proposition as well as a mark of quality. The Amazing Ideas Hi-Lo Runners will have a variety of features including: Perfectly flat soles Spongy platform Dirt proof material Spiky laces Reflective surface Colored exterior SWOT analysis Amazing Ideas has a number of powerful strengths which can be used to build its business in Australia, but the major weakness is the poor brand image. There is an opportunity in the increasing demand as a result of the better health initiative and the growing economy. The major threat is the intense competition from other manufacturer s and the pressure for low priced shores. The major strengths weaknesses, opportunities, and threats are summarized in the table1. Table 1 Strengths Robust production Strong focus on RD Weaknesses Weak brand image Poor cash flows Opportunities Accelerated demand for sport shoes Better heath initiative Threats Increasing competition Increasing pressure for low cost shoes Strengths Amazing Ideas can build on two important strengths: Robust production capabilities. Having been in the business for some time and being technologically sensitive, Amazing Ideas suggest its powerful production capabilities. This is important in maintaining the balance between supply and demand. Strong focus on RD. The active involvement in research and development can ensure that the company differentiates its products uniquely through innovation. This will sustain its unique selling preposition. Weaknesses The late entry of Amazing Ideas into the Australian sport shoe market has result ed into some weaknesses. Weak brand image. Due to late entry, the brand image of Amazing Ideas is not strong among the Australian consumers. Such a weakness can be very effective since brand image is crucial in a competitive environment (Park, Jaworski Maclnnis, 1986. p.136). Poor cash flows. The recent en entry into the market indicates that the company initial cost as a result of massive awareness campaign affect the cash flow. The funding must be causing an imbalance between returns and the expenses. Opportunities Amazing Ideas can take the advantage of two market opportunities Accelerating demand for sport shoes. The perceived Australian economy boom has changed the consumer behavior due to increased earnings. Furthermore, sporting is increasingly turning into an economic activity attracting many people. The better health initiative. The increasing cases of unhealthy conditions such as obesity have triggered many agencies into campaigning for healthy lifestyle. Recreation ac tivities being the major activity is in turn increasing the demand for sports shoes. Threats Amazing Ideas faces two major threats Stiff competition. The opportunities arising in Australia have made foreign shoe manufacturers to increase their activities in the country. This intensifies competition especially for local manufacturers. Pressure for law cost shoes. The foreign low-priced shoes have made the Australian consumers to be more cost sensitive. This has strained the profitability of local manufactures as they must push their prices further down. Market segmentation The Australian shoes market consist a variety of consumers who have differing purposes, motives, and behaviors for purchasing. Generally, the consumers tend to seek for cheap but quality products with little emphasis on the different producers or brands. The only common aspect that describes these consumers is the needs or benefits they perceive from the products. Therefore, our targeted consumers will be segmen ted according to their varying needs and use of the Hi-Lo Runners. The segments in the marketing strategy include professional runners, youths, middle-aged, children and retail businesses. These segments have varying needs as indicated in the table 2: Table 2 Targeted segment Customer needs Corresponding feature/benefits Professional runners Light shoe Stability Spongy platform Flat soles Youths Attractiveness Uniqueness Engraved surfaces Exaggerated rear Elongated straps Middle-aged Durability Easy running Fiber reinforced material Spongy material Children Fascination Multi-colored Small retail businesses Cost-effectiveness Cheap but quality shoes Positioning strategy Lacourbe, Loch and Kavadias (2009. p.316) explain positioning as the act of designing a product and image so that it occupies a distinctive and meaningful place in the mind of the target consumer. Using product differentiation, the Amazing Ideas Hi-Lo runners wil l be positioned as the most convenient, adaptable, value-added shoe model for professional and personal use. This marketing plan will focus on the elongated ankle lengths feature with spongy material, engraved outer surface, and fiber reinforced material differentiating the Amazing Ideas’ Hi-Tops. Marketing objectives Amazing Ideas is aiming for a 10 percent of the market share through increased sales in the first year of implementation. The financial objective during the first year is to have a 20 percent profitability increase through increased sales Marketing strategy Marketing strategy is a process that allows organizations to concentrate their resources on the opportunities to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage as well as increase sales (Ferrell Hartline, 2010. p.1). Amazing Ideas strategy is based on positioning of the product differentiation. The primary targets consumers are the professional runners and youths who need a comfortable, attractive, and easiness in running. The secondary target consumers are middle-aged and children who need durable and fascinating shoes respectively. The only business target in the marketing strategy is small retail business owners. This segment needs cheap and quality shoes to attract customers and make profit from them. Product strategy The Amazing Ideas Hi-Lo Runners will include all features mentioned in the product review part and differentiated appropriately according to the needs of the target markets. The shoes will be offered with a two months warranty in order to be more differentiated in the market. All the shoe models will be manufactured with an emphasis on the Amazing Ideas quality mark. An important part in the product strategy is to reinforce the company’s brand image. Amazing Ideas brand and logo will be displayed in every Hi-Top model and strengthened within the marketing campaign. Promotion strategy The Hi-Lo Runners promotion will be implemented in different strategies. By integ rating messaged in all media, the brand image will be reinforced as well as the main areas of product differentiation. Appropriate research on media consumption pattern can help the advertising agency to choose the proper media and timing to reach consumers during product introduction. After the introduction, advertising will appear to maintain brand awareness and convey differentiation messages. Public relations efforts will also be coordinated to promote the differentiation messages. In order to encourage purchasing and attract customer attention, attractive carry-cases will be offered as a limited-time premium. We will attract and retain channel partners to drive our strategy by use of sales promotions. This communication will be carried on until the Amazing Ideas’ brand is well established. Pricing strategy Price is different from other marketing strategies as it produces revenue while the others produce costs (Constantinides, 2006. p.420). Australian population consists of educated and employed people whose earnings are about average. However, most of these people have become sensitive to market prices as a result of the cheap imported products. Therefore, the Hi-Lo runners will be introduced at $100 retail price and $90 estimated wholesale price per unit. These prices will be lowered as the product line expands in the second year and be priced at a retail price below $100 per unit. This pricing is a strategy of attracting desirable channel partners and increasing the share of the market ahead of other competitors. Conclusion The aim of marketing is to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage that can ensure good business performance in a competitive environment. Amazing Ideas is entering a competitive market yet the good marketing plan can offer the desired competitive advantage. The key success of this marketing is the analysis of the market which assists in identifying the best market to target, the opportunities arising, the way to different iate the product, and the most effective positioning of the product differentiation. The marketing mix gives the insight of the various strategies to pursue in order to achieve the set objectives. References Bangs, D., H. 2002. The market planning guide: creating a plan to successfully market your business, product, or service. Wokingham, Berkshire: Kaplan Publishing. Constantinides, E. 2006. The marketing mix revisited: towards the 21st century marketing. Journal of Marketing Management, 22 (3/4), pp.407-438. Daft, R., L. 2011. Management. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. Ferrell, O., C. Hartline, M. 2010. Marketing Strategy. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. Fullen, S., L. Podmoroff, D. 2006. How to write a great business plan for your small business in 60 minutes or less. Springfield, VA: Atlantic Publishing Company. 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